I want to share with you Stress Management to Reduce Eye Tension and Better Sight. The most common symptoms of stress and how to overcome it. Chronic stress can cause a variety of eye problems and can even lead to vision loss in some cases.
What is Stress and Stress Management for Eye Health
Stress is a problem of our time. Every one knows cases when people in stressful situations lift huge weights for a fraction of a second. Under the influence of strong irritants, adrenaline is thrown into the blood. The heart began to beat faster. The pressure rises, the brain has with better oxygen supply, increased speed and clarity of thinking, muscles tensed in anticipation of the command – and, as a result, an instant reaction. Stress Management to Reduce Eye Tension. Stress starts to be harmful if the body is constantly “on alert” instead of beneficial.
World Health Organization calls occupational stress “A disease of the twenty-first century” because this type of stress occurs in any profession of the world and takes on the dimensions of a global epidemic. Such a terrifying growth professional stress is triggered by various factors, some of which are technical progress. A strong stressful agent for the modern person is the development of electronic digital devices.
When you’re stressed, you’re more likely to hold tension in your body, including your eyes. This tension can lead to eye strain, which can cause blurred vision and difficulty focusing.
Types of stress: depending on the cause of its occurrence:
– intrapersonal (unfulfilled dreams, some needs);
– interpersonal (difficulty in communicating with others, the presence of conflicts o threats of their occurrence);
– personal (inconsistency with the social role);
– emotional (associated with an emotional response to various situations);
– professional (stress of businessmen, managers, “white collars”);
– environmental (associated with the impact of adverse environmental factors).
There are other classifications. These are just a few of the possible ones.
Stress occurrence
It is generally believed that only negative emotions and situations cause stress. Nervous and physical stress causes excessive, unusual stimuli, and there is no difference for the body, whether these are positive emotions or negative. The main thing is that they are strong, redundant, and do not give a person a break.
Stress symptoms that can harm
Stress Management to Reduce eye Tension. A strong shock that causes the release of adrenaline into the blood. And then another portion, and another, and more… And then exhaustion. At first, a decrease in attention and memory is usually absent-mindedness. Irritability is due to dissatisfaction with oneself and others. Sleep disturbances, difficulty falling asleep, nightmares. Then apathy. Unwillingness to do anything. Depression.
Under stress, a person becomes restless, irritable, tired, and constantly in tension. A person wants to sleep all the time, or he cannot sleep at all. He can have an insatiable appetite and gain weight, or the food is not attractive, and he is losing weight. He may even develop somatic symptoms such as headache, joint, and muscle pain, blurred vision, skin rashes, gastritis, or other digestive system disorders. Stress pushes the body on, but impossible to always be excited. Excitation is followed by inhibition of all functions, and apathy – and depression begins.
Whatever the stress, good or bad, emotional or physical (or both at the same time), its effect on the body has common features. Especially the immune system suffers from stress.
Stressed people are more likely to get an infection since the number of immune cells falls noticeably during physical or mental stress.
The Psychology of Stress: Understanding the Causes and Effects
In response to stress, a healthy person always experiences anxiety and confusion. This state automatically prepares for an active action: the attacker or protective. This preparation is always carried out in the body, even when no physical action is required. The same happens when there is no real danger. However, prolonged excitement, even positive, leads to one result – exhaustion.
Exhaustion can cause passivity – a state of helplessness, hopelessness, depression, and apathy. Apathy is the body’s last attempt to escape. from escalation, the so-called psychosomatic diseases or conditions associated with a decrease in immunity. If a person ignores this signal, continuing to drive yourself in a corner – a series of diseases comes. However, the most unfavorable is a chronic stressful situation. Exactly then there is exhaustion and the threat of disease development.
How do you recognize when stress is becoming chronic? In stock, certain symptoms
Disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere: these are either irritation reactions – aggressiveness, irritability, anger; or exhaustion reactions – apathy, depression, passivity. Neuropsychiatric disorders: panic attacks – sudden, unreasonable intense fear. Often accompanied by fear of going insane, fear of death, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
Chronic stress can increase your risk of developing glaucoma, which damages the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss. Stress causes an increase in intraocular pressure, which can damage the optic nerve over time.
Or a social phobia – expressed fear of being in the spotlight or fear of behaving in a way that will cause embarrassment or humiliation. Other phobias: fear of animals, birds, insects, darkness, confined spaces, dentists, heights, flight, etc. There is also generalized anxiety disorder: persistent, pronounced feelings of tension, anxiety, and upcoming troubles in everyday events and problems for several months.
Symptoms of chronic stress
Frequent Symptoms – Excessive Stress muscles, irritability, sleep problems, and chronic fatigue. There are also adjustment disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other anxiety disorders. Quite common consequences of excessive stress: are dystonia, sleep disturbances (insomnia, superficial sleep, nightmares, daytime sleepiness), neuro-circulatory dystonia, and somatoform autonomic dysfunction.
Disorders of sexual desire. Serious or prolonged psycho-emotional stress in some cases leads to the development of diseases and neuroses. Therefore, chronic stress requires medical treatment. The problem here may arise in the fact that the manifestations of stress will be treated, but if its cause is not eliminated, then there will be no effect.
Stress can also increase your risk of developing macular degeneration, a condition that affects the central part of the retina and can cause vision loss. Stress can damage blood vessels in the retina, which can lead to the formation of abnormal blood vessels and the development of macular degeneration.
Eyesight Academy Course to master relaxation techniques and get better vision
Life can be stressful, and stress can significantly impact our eyesight. That’s why we have designed a comprehensive course to help you master relaxation techniques and improve your vision naturally.
In our eyesight improvement course, eye exercises and techniques have been proven to reduce stress and improve eyesight.
Our eyesight improvement program for everyone
Our course is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce stress and improve their vision naturally. Whether you’re struggling with eye strain, headaches, or other eye problems, our program can help.
Relaxation and eye exercises are the key to better eyesight. Mastering relaxation techniques can reduce tension in your eyes and improve blood flow to the retina, leading to better vision and overall eye health.
Enroll in the Eyesight Academy Course today and start your journey to better vision and more relaxed life!
Stress Management to Reduce eye Tension and better Sight
Common methods for dealing with stress. Stress is such a state that you cannot write one prescription for everybody to overcome. What will help one, the other will be useless. But there are some fairly general options for dealing with stress.
1)Firstly, this is a technique aimed directly at eliminating stress causes. That is, it is supposed to change either the situation that causes stress or a person’s attitude to this situation. In this case, you need to know exactly the cause of the stress. Otherwise, all efforts will not be as effective.
2) Secondly, there are so-called quick methods that can ease the current situation. It is necessary to reduce the level of already occurring stressful reactions and strive to avoid amplifying them. This applies if it is impossible to eliminate the cause of stress. Walking, reading, playing music, sports workouts, and active games are suitable here, or just messing around.
3) Third: active protection against stress. Need to find something to keep the soul balance that promotes better health (sports, music, gardening, exercising, etc.). This is called active relaxation.
Mental and physical relaxation to eliminate stress symptoms
Relaxation increases the adaptive capabilities of the human organism – both mental and physical. And one more thing to remember: there is no life without stress. For any healthy person to feel alive and fulfilled, you need to feel the presence of certain problems that must be addressed as they appear. In a professional physiologist’s language, stress is an attempt by the body to deal independently with external aggression. But if the stress level increases to the threshold when a person can no longer adapt if the dose of stress is too high, useful stress (eustress) turns into dangerous stress (distress). And when the dose of stress is exceeded too much, the human psyche suffers, and his somatics – different organs and organism systems.
Thanks for watching this video to the end. Today we learned what is stress, the symptoms of stress, and the most common methods to overcome it. I hope it will help you. Subscribe to my channel and will see you again.
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