Dynamic relaxation to reduce eye strain
Dynamic relaxation to reduce eye strain and see better. One of the best ways to relax your psyche and reduce eye strain is the dynamic relaxation technique. I personally use it a lot as soon I feel any eye fatigue or eye strain.
Dynamic relaxation technique is the starting point for eye exercises. For example, when athletes come to the gym, the first thing they do is warm up. Dynamic relaxation helps to set the pace of doing eye exercises most efficiently.
The correct way of performing eye exercises is to relax without any power or tension eye movements. Dynamic relaxation helps to get into a relaxed stay to perform eye training. To improve your vision faster, you need to learn dynamic relaxation.
A relaxed state of your mind and body is a perfect way to perform eye exercises. In no case do we no need to perform eye exercises powerfully. We need to do eye movements as relaxed as possible. If any eye strain appears during eye exercise, we need to immediately stop.
Start your journey to improving your vision in a natural way by learning dynamic relaxation techniques. It is a bit complicated to find this pleasurable state of dynamic relaxation at the beginning, but everybody can do it. With experience, you will teach your brain to relax your psyche with very small dynamic movements. As soon as you find your state of dynamic relaxation, you will like to stay in it. You can do it anywhere, even at work to reduce eye fatigue or mental pressure from difficult tasks.
When my eyes came out from an accommodative spasm, I was doing dynamic relaxation every hour so as not to strain my eye muscles and not get myopic spasms again. Now my Eye muscles are in a much better-fit shape and can handle much more visual loads from screens.
Here is the Blog post Dynamic Relaxation technique
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