Meditation to relax facial muscles, eye muscles
Meditation to relax facial muscles and eye muscles. To improve vision naturally, you need to learn how to relax eye muscles and facial muscles. Everything in our body is interconnected, and if you have some tension or strain in your body, it will cause eye strain also.
Our eyes are the most sensitive organ in our body, and in any uncomfortable situation, our eyes get strained. Meditation to relax facial muscles will help you to learn to control facial muscles relax and eye muscles relaxation also.
I personally listening meditation for facial muscles relaxation to get into a relaxed state before going to sleep. You need to relax your eyes and facial muscles before sleeping time to get a much better recovery during bedtime.
In which state you will fall asleep in the same state your eyes will be in the whole night? If you recovering your vision it is a must to relax you facial muscles and eye muscles before bed. Meditation to relax facial muscles is guided step-by-step meditation to get a habit of relaxing your eyes.
First 3 months you need to listen to this meditation to get a habit of relaxation. That is how i did to eliminate accommodative spasms from eye muscles and cure myopia naturally 100% without invasive surgery.
Meditation also helps you to fall asleep better. It helps you to focus on the relaxation of your eyes, instead of thinking about annoying problems. If you fall asleep during meditation it is completely ok, it means you were able to relax properly.
With meditation for facial muscle relaxation, you will be able to learn the essential skill to feel and control facial muscles. The strain of facial muscles can cause eye strain. A strained forehead will affect eye muscle strain. Only relaxed eyes without tension can see well. Relaxed eyes can change focus distance properly. If eye muscles will be tensed constantly they can get into a spasmodic state.
A spasm of accommodation in other words is called myopia.
Blog Post Meditation To Relax Facial Muscles
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