Hello everybody, welcome to the Natural Vision Recovery blog. I would like to share with you how to Eliminate bad vision habits to get better eyesight. The first step is to get better eyesight. Bad vision habits, correct posture for eyesight, and relaxation exercises for vision enhancement.

Eyes on Health: Transforming Habits for Enhanced Eyesight
First of all, you need to understand the essence of how your vision improves. And what makes your vision worsen. Usually because of the bad vision habits of looking incorrectly, rarely blinking, staring at objects, and looking with a very narrow gaze. It is also about that myopia is translated as squinting, narrowing of the optic gap to look closely. All of these causes provoke a large muscle spasm, and muscle spasm is a kind of form of poor vision because some muscle is overstrained, while the tension does not relieve and at the same time changes the shape of the eye.
Also, a long narrow look, for example, at the monitor, tires the retina of the eye. Harmfulness lies in the fact that a person does not actively perceive the environment. His vision is narrowed limited and fixed and the function of accommodation of vision atrophies. And there is an exercise that relieves this stress, which we will talk about.

Correct posture for eye exercise
If you put an ordinary stick to the spine, you must certainly feel the line of the stick with the back of your head and tailbone at the same time. Then the body is stretched along the line of the stick, keeping the back arch and chin down naturally.
The ideal position for the body and eyes is when you sit, shifting your weight. Your body on your hips and buttocks. For this, the lower torso slightly moves back. The body itself is slightly forward and between the back of the head. The neck and upper back are in a straight line. Where the tailbone and sacrum are completely unloaded, and the body itself becomes relaxed. Try to swing your body back and forth in this position or right and left, and make smooth movements. The head at the same time moves with the body. The chin does not stretch forward but continues to look down.
If you sit down correctly and your body relaxes, it is easy for you, and you will succeed. To make it with a straight or with a bent back is impossible. Make sure that the top of your head is always stretched up. The shoulders are pulled as far as possible out from the ears. And the shoulder blades are slightly flattened to each other. It will be difficult to control the position of the body at first, but then in the wrong position, you will feel uncomfortable.
Posture mistakes to eliminate for better visual acuity
Unfortunately, the habit of sitting with raised shoulders, tilted on one side head, and resting on the tailbone is so common among people that most do not even notice how tense it is at the same time their body.
A person gets tired most often not from work and all kinds of deeds, but from an improper tense position of the body, from the unwillingness to follow your posture and control your posture while awake.
How to increase Visual activity with the eye training course Eyesight Academy

A low movement state and constant eye strain under artificial lighting are bad for the eyes. Research shows that office workers, all day straining their eyes, by the evening get tired much more than the construction builders, who are laying bricks.
Visual Mastery: Unlock Your Full Potential with Eye Training Course – Eyesight Academy. Learn the best eye exercises to improve your vision in a natural way. Eye movement with light stretching will improve your eye health and vision.
Low eye movement state, constant eye strain under artificial lighting, and conditioned air have a much more detrimental impact on health and vision than hard physical labor. Now that we have mastered the correct posture, we can talk about the most important reception of stress relief according to Bates, which is called “Moving, wiggles, and turns. “
Stress relief exercise “Bear Wiggle”
Move, wiggle, and turn for the stress relief exercise “Bear Wiggle”, called in China
“Swaying an elephant”, Taoist qigong teachers practiced and taught for centuries. Dr Bates mastered this technique at the beginning of the 20th century when I discovered that, if done correctly long swaying (as they are also called) vision is restored much faster than doing any other methods it taught his students.
Eye strain relief with dynamic relaxation Bear wiggles
Eliminate bad vision habits to get better eyesight. Simple Wiggles can help with relaxation and get a better vision. So, you need to get up and depict how the bear behaves in a cage. That’s right – feet shoulder-width apart, body slightly tilted forward, arms hanging freely along the body. In this state, smoothly transfer body weight from one leg to another. Head and body monotonously swing from right to left. After a while, you will enter a certain state of prostration, relaxation, and detachment, if, of course, the exercise is done correctly.
By the way, why do bears behave like that in a cage, and not only them? Many people have observed the zoo with endless monotony of rush to and from predators. Especially from the family felines, as elephants shake their trunks and heads evenly, as monkeys swing on branches and spin in a squirrel wheel. Animals in this way, I think, protect themselves from stress, which is for any living being, lack of freedom, limited space, and lack of movement.
The Road to Clarity: Banishing Bad Vision Habits
Unconsciously creating the illusion of movement, animals both calm down and fight hyperdynamic. It is surprising that children in orphanages also often sway to the left or the left or back and forth when they sit or stand. A way to calm down and rock yourself. Even nursing babies chat head back and forth. Subconsciously confronting that stressful situation in which they found themselves “thanks” to adults. This deprivation mechanism persists in such children for life, even if they get into prosperous families. Well-off adults, too, sometimes start unconsciously.
Automatic relaxation with movement
Shake head, for example, in a moment of deeply emotional experiences. Why? Again, there is a subconscious defense of the body from excessive experiences. The mechanisms of self-regulation and self-balancing are turned on. This happens primarily through the eyes and the brain. The same pictures floating before the eyes many times, send a signal to the brain – you don’t need to look at anything, we see the same thing all the time.
How dynamic relaxation relieves stress
Excitation of nerve cells is removed through visual analyzers retinas and they relax. Through the peripheral nervous system, the relaxation signal is transmitted to the central nervous system. Eventually, stress is removed from the eyes, the body, and the psycho-emotional sphere. Thus, hanging the swing cradle from the ceiling the child was, as we see, a rather wise decision. Especially if mother and grandmother sang at the same time some kind of lullaby songs. Now parents swing the child in a stroller or their arms. And often many do not even think about why the child is better after that falls asleep.
Just choose which swaying you like more standing or sitting and do them to relieve tensions and spasms because during these exercises, thinking and internal dialogue stop and you relax, forgetting about stresses and concentrating on finding pleasant feelings.
Thanks for reading to the very end.
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