How to Boost Your Eye Health with These 5 Vegetables. Hello everybody and welcome to the eye training blog. My name is Sviatoslav and today we will talk about foods for the eyes such as vegetables, and drinks that are good for the eyes and health. Cabbage, Potatoes, Kiwi, Carrots, and Cranberries.

How to Boost Your Eye Health with Cabbage
How to Boost Your Eye Health with Cabbage. It contains easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins C, D, E, K, and P, folic acid (it is available only in fresh white cabbage), and amino acids. Potassium salts are also present, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and a lot of iodine. Cabbage is the record holder for sulfur and allows you to cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Ascorbic acid in cabbage is the same as in lemon.
It is enough to eat 200 g of raw cabbage to satisfy the daily human need for this vitamin. Moreover, vitamin C is preserved in cabbage when fermented and when juiced, however, it is destroyed during cooking. Cabbage contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which accumulate in the retina and allow good vision for a long time. Their main function is to protect against the harmful effects of light, especially from blue shortwave light. In addition, these substances prevent the appearance of cataracts. Their effectiveness is so high that the treatment of macular degeneration and cataract treatment is based on their use.
Cabbage juice to Boost your eye Health Naturally
Vitamins A and C are responsible for the speed of adaptation of the eyes to darkness. And protection from the effects of radicals. Cabbage juice is prepared as follows: remove several upper leaves from the heads of the cabbage. You can also scald the crushed leaves with hot water. Immediately take them out of the water, drain, and squeeze out the juice. However, cabbage juice from fresh, uncooked leaves is more pleasant and refreshing. Alternatively, you can grind fresh cabbage leaves in a juicer. Since in the extracts of vitamin U, there is more than in the flowing juice. The squeezing should be done as hard as possible. It should be remembered that after 1-2 days. Even if it is stored in the refrigerator. The juice begins to lose its medicinal properties, so it must be cooked regularly.
Cabbage juice inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, therefore it is useful for obesity. You can drink it 30 minutes before meals and between meals several times a day. Daytime the juice rate in this case is 300 ml. Just remember that adding salt to cabbage or its juice destroys its beneficial effect. It is also not recommended to carry out filtration or pasteurization.
It is useful to take 0.5-1 glass of fresh cabbage juice 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. Cabbage salads are also helpful. If at the same time, it is necessary to limit salt intake, then cabbage is first washed with boiled water and squeezed out.

How to Boost Your Eye Health with Potatoes
Potatoes it is 75% of water, 17% of starch, and 1% fiber. One hundred grams of young potatoes contain 20 mg of ascorbic acid, which is a third of the daily human need for this vitamin. However, vitamin C is also lost when improper preparation. In addition to ascorbic acid, potatoes contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, H, K, PP, citric and folic acids, salts calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and especially potassium. That foods for the eyes contain vitamins and trace elements necessary for normal vision.
Potatoes contain regulators of fat metabolism. The starch contained in potatoes has anti-sclerotic properties and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and liver. High the content of potassium salts makes it desirable in the diet of people suffering from various diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Potato juice to enhance eye health
Freshly prepared potato juice is anti-inflammatory, wound healing, diuretic, and tonic effects. Preparation of potato juice: from well-washed potatoes, it is better to take varieties of potatoes with peels scraped off. To pass it through a juicer or rubbed through a fine grater and squeezed out. For headaches, drink half a glass of juice 2-3 times a day. Juice is used only freshly cooked, it should stand no longer than 10 minutes. Before use should be shaken up.
More recently, it was found that the juice of fresh potato tubers enhances enzymatic secretion of the pancreas and has a sugar-reducing effect, which is why it is useful in diabetes. Initial single portion – 1/4 of a cup 2-3 times a day (the juice can first be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio). Subsequently, when well tolerated, it is increased to 1 glass 2-3 times a day. Potato juice can be drunk neat or mixed with cranberry, carrot, or honey. The taste improves, but the healing effect decreases. Potato juice is not recommended for people with severe sugar diabetes, as well as with low acidity of gastric juice.
The Benefits of Kiwi for Your Vision
Kiwi is a storehouse of vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, and especially vitamin C; he is rich in carbohydrates, mineral salts, enzymes, and tannic acid. One kiwi medium size contains vitamin C – 65-75 mg, carbohydrates – 11 g, fat – 0.3-0.4 g, 3-4 mg sodium. At the same time, kiwi can burn fats involved in blocking arteries, which is a significant degree reduces the risk of blood clots. Moreover, it is the freshly squeezed juice used for 4 weeks, that is most conducive to the prevention and treatment of blood clots, reducing the level of fatty acids in the blood by 15%.
What’s more, kiwi juice improves peripheral blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the veins, and magnesium, contained in it, has a positive effect on the work of the heart. Mineral kiwi green pigment complexes activate proteins, thus stimulating the activity brain. The fiber contained in freshly squeezed juice normalizes processes of digestion and promotes the elimination of “bad cholesterol” from the body.
Kiwi Juice to Improve Eye Health
Kiwi juice is recommended for people with reduced immunity since daily consumption of 1-2 pieces (this is one glass of juice) covers the daily requirement for vitamin C. At the same time, the combination of vitamin C and magnesium allows the body to withstand stress. Therefore cardiologists recommend a glass of kiwi juice a day as an alternative to medications.
Kiwi juice regulates blood sugar levels, therefore it is very useful for diabetics, helps the body to fight viruses (thanks to vitamins B1 and E), improves blood composition, retains calcium in the bones, strengthens the immune system, and improves tone. The use of kiwi juice is recommended for hypertensive patients since the potassium contained in it normalizes blood pressure; and aid in the treatment of rheumatism; to prevents the possible formation of kidney stones; during the treatment of atherosclerosis.
Kiwi contains high doses of lutein and antioxidants, a set of vitamins in this fruit is needed for people with vision problems. Kiwi should not be taken with increased acidity of gastric juice and with the presence of allergic reactions to it.
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Carrot to Boost Your Eye Health
Freshly squeezed carrot juice contains a lot of beta-carotene, vitamins B, C, D, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, and cobalt. Iodine normalizes the function of the thyroid gland, and magnesium removes unnecessary bile and cholesterol from the body. Beta-carotene is very beneficial for eyesight. However, it is absorbed and turned into a vitamin. And also you need fats. It is not for nothing that children are given grated carrots with sour cream. You can do carrot salad with vegetable oil.
Carrot juice helps with anemia, cardiovascular problems, vitamin deficiencies, and general loss of strength increases immunity, and normalizes metabolism. However, it is important to remember not to overuse carrot juice. because excess beta-carotene overloads the liver. In one day it is recommended to drink no more than 500 ml of carrot juice in several doses for treatment, while such a dose should not be consumed for a long time. And for vitamin saturation, half a glass (100 ml) is enough. To clean the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol, carrot juice must be mixed with the same amount of beet juice. Carrot juice goes well with other vegetable and fruit juices.
Cranberry to get better eye health
Cranberries contain sufficient amounts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, iodine, barium, iron, silver, and manganese. In addition, they are rich in vitamins C, PP, K, B1, and B2, as well as contain flavonoids and organic acids and because of this, the berries retain their freshness for a long time without additional processing. Fructose and glucose are also present. The most healing cranberry fruits are harvested in spring since they that the highest content of valuable substances, sugars, and biologically active substances, however, in autumn cranberries there is more concentration of vitamin C.
Cranberry Juice to Boost Eye Health
Cranberry juice boosts immunity. Moreover, cranberries greatly enhance the effect of antibiotics. Cranberry juice has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and diuretic effects. Therefore, it is also used as a general tonic and a cold remedy. Potassium salts act not only as a diuretic but also help with cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders. Chemical elements such as iodine, and manganese can lower arterial pressure, so quite often cranberry juice is recommended for hypertensive disease. The norm for drinking cranberry juice is 1 glass during the day (you can have several portions). Before use, the juice is diluted to taste with boiled water. Contraindications for the use of cranberry juice are stomach ulcers and hyperacidity of gastric juice.
Thanks for reading to the end. Today we discussed Cabbage, Potatoes, Kiwi, Carrots, and Cranberries’ positive effects on the eyes and the health of our body. Subscribe to my channel and will see you again. Here are the Best exercises for Myopia (Nearsightedness), Hyperopia (Farsightedness), and astigmatism.
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