How to Enhance Your Vision with 5 Eye Exercises. Hello everybody and Welcome to My name is Sviatoslav, and today we will talk about exercise complexes for eye movement muscles, which includes figure 8 exercise, spirals exercise, accommodation exercise, a swing of the pendulum exercise, and hammock style eye movement.
Figure 8 Eye Exercise to Enhance Your Vision
How to Enhance Your Vision with Figure 8 Eye Exercise. Sit back, get in the right posture, and relax, as much as possible, all your muscles. Your eyes must be relaxed and the main point of this exercise is to remove spasms and tension from eye muscles, Because, for example, the oblique muscles of myopic people of the eyes are spasmodic and tense, and if myopia has been for a long time, for example, 10 years, then the oblique muscles may have already stuck to each other and our task is not to load them even more, we need a little stretch and relax this muscles.
Slowly look at the top left corner and blink a few times, then in the upper right corner and blink a few times, then lower your eyes to the down left and blink a few times, and then look down to the right and blink a few times and then to the center and blink 3 times at least. Repeat: left-up, right-up, left-down, right-down, center, and blink.
Remember that the lines that the relaxed eyes follow must cross in front of the bridge of the nose and you need to focus on each corner when you look at it. Now connect all these points. What happened? Correctly, a figure like a figure eight, only with sharp corners. Do 3 repetitions and then do in opposite direction right-up and blink a few times, left-up and blink a few times, right-down and blink a few times, left-down and blink a few times, center and blink 3 times at least. Also 3 repetitions.
Brain Hemispheres Synchronization to Enhance Your Vision
What muscle groups are involved in this? Of course, the first and second. There are movements both diagonally and in a circle. Yes, and the intersection of the center point, activates the neural connection between the right and left hemispheres.
Now move your eyes to the upper left corner and blink a few times to the center, then to the lower left and blink a few times to the center, then to the upper right and blink a few times to the center and lower right corner to the center and blink a few times, then in the center and blink 3 times at least. Do 1 repetition of this exercise and then in the opposite direction right-up and blink a few times, right-down and blink a few times, left-up and blink a few times, left-down and blink a few times, center and blink.
If we connect all the points again we get an eight, only already horizontal, more like an infinity sign or a butterfly. With this exercise, we train the first two groups, only now in the horizontal plane. At the same time, both eight intersect in the same place, in front of the bridge of the nose.
Now. Close your eyes for 10 seconds to relax your eyes and remove tension.
Put all four eights on top of each other, draw a circle in the middle, and guess what happens. Right, looks like a flower!
Spiral eye exercise to enhance your eyesight
How to Enhance Your Vision with Spirals Eye Exercises. Now from the imaginary central point in front of your eyes, For example for nearsighted people whose eyes are squeezed out forward. Imagine how you would twist in them little by little with slow and relaxed movements and at the same time lean back and begin to draw a spiral to the wide range with relaxed eyes. Do it at eye level, parallel to the floor. At the same time, blink to remove tension from your eyes.
Reaching the largest circle, stop and start slowly spinning the spiral in the opposite direction and, gradually narrowing the circles, for nearsighted people imagine that you twist your eyes inward and leaning back with it, return to the point in front of the eyes. For farsighted people do it the same way, but lean forward and imagine that you trying to push your eyes a little bit forward, Do you understand which two muscle groups are trained at the same time? Yes, second and third.
Close your eyes for 10 seconds to relax your eyes and remove tension.
Accommodation eye exercise to rebuild eye focus
How to Enhance Your Vision with Eye Exercises. Then, hold a finger or any object in front of you at eye level and blink a few times, look at its tip, then a point in the distance, and blink a few times and again at the tip finger and blink a few times. After several such alternations, remove your hand and look at the tip of your nose and blink a few times, then look into the distance and blink a few times, look at the bridge of the nose and blink a few times, again into the distance and blink a few times, look at the ceiling, again into the distance, on the floor – into the distance, on the right shoulder – into the distance, on the left shoulder – into the distance.
What muscle groups are trained during this?
Quite right, all three.
Close your eyes for 10 seconds to relax your eyes and remove tension.
Eye Training Course Eyesight Academy to Enhance Your Vision
Do you want to improve your vision naturally and effectively to enjoy a clearer and sharper vision?
Enroll in the Eye Training Course Eyesight Academy comprehensive and proven program that will teach you how to enhance your vision with simple and fun eye exercises.
The Eye Training Course Eyesight Academy will show you how to:
1 Stretch your eye muscles and relax your eyes with easy exercises
2 Improve eye focus, depth perception, peripheral vision, and eye coordination
3 Prevent and reverse common eye conditions such as myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia
4 Protect your eyes from digital eye strain
5 Boost your confidence and self-esteem with better vision
Click the link to Enroll in the Eye Training Course Eyesight Academy today!
Spiral eye exercise to Boost your sight
“The next time you repeat the above exercises, you can add to them a very interesting exercise to improve the first and second muscle groups called “spiral staircase”. To do this, imagine a ladder in front of your eyes and make your eyes move along with it up and down. At the same time, the eyes will quite often blink, closing at every inner turn of the staircase.
Then imagine you lay the ladder on the horizontal side and Walk your gaze along this screw from left to right and from right to left. This exercise trains the first and second muscle groups, as well as the muscles of the eyelids due to constant blinking on inner coils.
Close your eyes for 10 seconds to relax your eyes and remove tension. Open your eyes and blink a few times.
Arc eye exercise, Hammock, or pendulum eye exercise to enhance vision
Relax and next time add a group to your complex exercises under the conditional name “arc”. To do this, imagine that in front of you at floor level is swinging a big pendulum or hammock, you can call it as you wish. and you follow it with your eyes. Now lift the pendulum and swing it at mouth level, then on eye level, then at the level of the center of the forehead, and then flip the arc to make it like a rainbow shape, so that an arch forms above your head, which you tracing through the ceiling with your eyes. Now draw arcs from the ceiling to the floor and vice versa.
How to Enhance Your Vision with 5 Eye Exercises. All of this was the training of the first and second groups of oculomotor muscles. To add a third to this exercise group, arcs can be drawn with the eyes, moving them back and forth along some humpbacked bridge. You can “dive” with your eyes forward from the level of your chest and emerge back along the line of the boat gondolas.
Close your eyes for 10 seconds to relax your eyes and remove tension. Open your eyes and blink a few times.
Do not rush to do all the exercises at once. Perhaps for one workout, you will master only arcs, stairs, or spirals. Pause if discomfort occurs and rest or do eye relaxation exercises, which will be discussed in future videos.
The most common mistake when doing eye exercises (for oculomotor muscle)
Thanks for reading to the end. In this article, you discover How to Enhance Your Vision with 5 Eye Exercises. I hope these exercises will help you and will see you again.
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