Funny Eyesight jokes just to laugh optometry jokes

The Best Funny Eyesight Jokes. Did you see it?

Here are the Top 15 Funny Eyesight Jokes about blurry vision just to laugh and start improving your vision with eye training.

The Best Funny Eyesight Jokes. Did you see it

Do You know what I saw today?

Everything I look at…

Why did the optometrist go broke?

Because he couldn’t see any patients!

Why did the eye refuse to go on a date?

It didn’t want to make a spectacle of itself!

How do you organize an eye party?

You “iris” up the place!

Why did the nearsighted teacher quit her job?

She couldn’t control her pupils!

What did one contact lens say to the other?

“Stay in touch!”

How do you make an eye roll?

Just give it a good push!

The best Funny Eyesight Jokes and optometry jokes about vision to laugh

Why did the eye go to school?

To improve its vision, of course!

What do you call a dinosaur with good eyesight?


Why do eye doctors make good comedians?

They have a lot of cornea-y jokes!

What’s an eye’s favorite type of footwear?

High-heel glasses!

What’s an optometrist’s favorite dessert?

Eye scream!

Why did the smartphone need glasses?

It lost all its contacts!

What do you call a fish with no eyes?


Why did the myopic book join therapy?

Because it had too many issues focusing.

Funny Eyesight jokes just to laugh

Funny Eyesight jokes just to laugh

What do you call an eagle who wears glasses? Eagle-eyed.

Why don’t secrets work on glasses wearers? Because they always see right through them.

How do you make a spectacle smile? You give it a little wink.

Why was the eye doctor always calm? He could always see the bigger picture.

How do eyes keep their hair in place? With eye-lash!

Why was the ophthalmologist always picked first for teams? He was a visionary leader.

What did the glasses say to the hat? “You go on ahead, I’ll hang around and make things clearer.”

Why was the eye always so good at school? It was a pupil.

Why did the eye break up with the brain? It felt like they just didn’t see eye to eye.

What’s an eye’s favorite drink? Optic-cola.

Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school? Because her students were so bright.

Funniest Jokes and Anecdotes Book Of Jokes On Amazon

Eyesight improvement course Eyesight Academy.

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