Eye exercises for a screen time to relieve eye fatigue.

Improving Your Eyesight: Top 7 Strategies for Managing Screen Time

Spending a lot of time in front of screens can have a negative impact on our eyesight. Managing screen time is essential for your eye health. From computer screens at work to smartphones and tablets, we are constantly can cause eye strain, dry eyes, and even near-sightedness. But there are ways to mitigate the effects of prolonged screen time and even improve your vision. In this article, we’ll discuss some strategies for managing screen time and protecting your eyesight.

manage screen time tips to improve vision

Managing Screen time with natural methods

Working at a computer, laptop, or phone is an integral part of our life. We must develop methods to help preserve and even improve our vision while working with it.

We will talk about the most important problem when working with a laptop or phone. Let`s analyze how and when our eyes rest. And let’s look at how to develop 4 of the most basic good eyesight skills that help preserve and improve your eyesight when working at a computer, laptop, or phone.

 First, you need to understand that a computer is a dangerous technological device that can harm our eyes. We need to learn to interact with him in such a way that our eyes do not get tired in any way and our vision does not deteriorate.

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Long-term static focus on the screen is dangerous for the eyes

1 Problem with a laptop or phone is long-term static focusing your eyes on the screen

I want to draw your attention to the number one problem when working with a laptop. It turns out that we fix our gaze for a long time and at a close distance of approximately 30-50 centimeters or 10-15 inches.

Long-term fixation of the gaze leads to overstrain of certain eye muscles. That is, for a long time in the same position, the gaze is fixed on one point. This is a static overstrain, such as taking a dumbbell, lifting it to the biceps, and holding it for an hour.

For example, if you try your look at the tip of your nose and hold it, you feel that your head starts to ache, and fatigue occurs. That is, the same, just distance from the computer is a little further, but the difference is, well, just in this distance, the gaze is very close.

Preserve your sight with regular breaks from screens

Preserve your sight with regular breaks from screens

How do our eyes rest?

The eye muscles can rest in certain dynamics when we walk, for example, and look around at different distances.

Either our eyes rest when we look at a distance of five meters or 16 feet; in this position, no eye muscles are tense. That is, both the oblique and rectus muscles of the eyes are relaxed, and the eyeball is almost perfectly round because if we look far, it begins to change shape and become a little flat as the rectus muscles begin to work.

If we look closer, on the contrary, it begins to stretch, like a cucumber, oblique muscles work, and when we look at a distance of five-six meters, 15-20 feet, the eye is practically like a ball shape, and in this position, it rests.

Surely you noticed that sometimes the body itself rests, and you kind of look into nowhere, but in fact, it is about 5-6 meters 15-20 feet to nowhere. It seems that you don’t look anywhere or think about anything. Still, in fact, this is a natural mechanism for resting our eyes and is intended specifically for the relaxation of the eyes and for the relaxation of the nervous system.  The second way is to keep our eyes from getting tired and relax them as often as possible. Dynamic rest is when our eyes look to the right, then to the left, then into the distance, then closer. That is, they are constantly moving.

How does the dynamic eye rest happen?

When we look in one direction, some muscles contract while others stretch out, and then we look in another direction. On the contrary, some are straining, and others are stretched. We looked into the distance. Some tense, and others relaxed closer to the other, and these constant gazing movements give such an effect that while some muscles are straining, others are resting.

Exactly the same dynamic resting effect works with our heart. It getting rest in a short moment, the same should happen to our eyes

 Unfortunately, this is not always happening. Why? Because with a computer, the gaze does not move a lot, and it is fixed, and secondly, it is fixed not at a big distance, but a short distance tension occurs.

Top 10 Tips for Managing Screen Time

1) How to get a habit of actively looking around to avoid eye strain

You must very often give your eyes a rest, because otherwise by itself relaxation will not come. You can set some kind of timer to distract yourself and give your eyes a rest. And this process is better for making it interesting and enjoyable.

It is also necessary to train yourself to look around often. It helps to manage screen time in the correct way.

Let’s look at the computer, look at the corner of the room, at the other part of the room, again at the computer, then at the ceiling.

We need to accustom ourselves to the fact that our gaze just wanders.

No need to stare at your laptop or phone for more than 20 minutes without rest. Realize that your gaze can while you are doing something from memory, print something, for example, you can calmly look around the room with your gaze.

We need to accustom ourselves to this behavior at the computer because we are automatically accustomed to staring at the monitor and not looking away. Because the habit has already developed and this habit should be gradually changed to another habit of actively looking around you.

A new habit can be formed in a couple of months, maybe even in a shorter time.

Move your gaze from your computer or phone in different directions. For example, while a video on YouTube is loading or advertising is going on, give your eyes a rest, close them for 10 seconds, and you can continue to watch. You just need to develop the habit of doing it.

2) The second habit that improves vision is a wide gaze

You need to acquire a very useful habit of looking with a wide gaze, that is, not narrowing it to the monitor size but covering the whole room with your gaze. it will help to manage screen time and maintain clear vision.

You see the monitor, that is, you expand the focus of your vision, and it now covers the entire monitor, its entire width

Your muscles rest better this way. You just need to teach the visual system to perceive the entire monitor.

How to train a wide gaze?

How to train a wide gaze?

For example, you look at a laptop, blink, and try to cover the whole room with your gaze. With your peripheral vision, see everything that is around you, blink, and cover the entire width of the monitor with all the contours.

In one or two months, you can look perfectly wide, but the most important thing is now you will perceive the entire monitor as a whole if you have acquired this skill.  Everything around will become huge, beautiful, and interesting in the brain. A colossal amount of information will flow and stimulate its work. Your brain will begin to develop, and you will start to think actively. Fresh ideas will appear actively, and your head will start to rest.

 New ideas will appear, and there will be a richer world around you. If you look with a narrow gaze, it turns out that a big wide world narrowed down to a small monitor and all the fields of our vision and our perception along with it. Therefore, it is necessary to expand our gaze and our perception, and at the same time, our eyes will be much less tired.

The main thing is that you can still read the text if you learn a little and cover the whole line at the same time because you can perceive it with a wide gaze full line or a book or text. It’s easy. It’s just simply a skill that can be acquired in just one or two months if you will do it regularly.

3) The third good habit that will help maintain vision is to change the distance to the monitor.

It is necessary to accustom yourself to change the visual distance to the monitor in relation to the face. For example, if you have a chair with wheels, you move it a little further every 15-20 minutes to manage screen time and not strain your eyes. Lean back, and it already turns out that you look different and the eye muscles work differently. A very simple way that allows the eyes to rest.

4) tip for managing screen time. To use a laptop or phone with outstretched arms

A great way to stretch your arms out when you type something on a keyboard. The distance from the eyes to the monitor increases, and the eye muscles begin to work differently. Very suitable for nearsighted people, as people with myopia sit very close to the monitor and their eyes are used to looking very close. When they start typing with outstretched arms, the distance recedes and the eyes try to refocus to a farther distance, and this helps to improve vision well.

The most important thing is to acquire this habit of moving away from the monitor, aligning your back, removing all tension from the body, and enjoying the process.

You can swing freely to the right – the left is a great way to relax.

The main problem that is associated with visual impairment when working at a computer, laptop, or phone can be solved at least in the four ways that I have just named to you, it will take a little time to master, but then you will get an amazing result later. Once again: 1 habit of actively looking around, 2 The second habit that improves vision is a wide gaze, 3 The third good habit that will help maintain vision is to change the distance to the monitor 4 To use a laptop or phone with outstretched arms. You will not get tired at the computer without doing anything complicated for this. If you don’t have such habits. You can buy yourself some kind of timer that, in 2-3 months, will help you accustom yourself to new habits that will calmly allow you to work at the monitor.

5) tip for managing screen time. Take frequent breaks

Eye Exercises to reduce digital eye strain

One of the best ways to reduce eye strain is to take regular breaks from your screen. This can be as simple as looking away from your computer every 20 minutes and focusing on something in the distance for a few seconds. You can also try the “20-20-20” rule, which suggests looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

6) tip for managing screen time. Adjust your screen settings

The brightness and contrast of your screen can have a big impact on your eyes. Make sure your screen is not too bright or too dark, and adjust the contrast to a comfortable level. You can also change the color temperature of your screen to reduce the amount of blue light that it emits.

7) tip for managing screen time. Invest in good lighting

Screen time tips

Poor lighting can cause eye strain and fatigue. Make sure that your workspace is well-lit and that you have a good light source directed at your screen. Avoid working in dimly lit rooms or with overhead lights that create glare on your screen.

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